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What do we know about repeat offending by children & young people?
Data First linked datasets used to produce a profile of repeat offending by children and young people

Probation “under-resourced and over-stretched”
Probation inspectorate annual report says the service has too few staff, with too little experience and training, managing too many cases.

The justice system faces total gridlock by next year
Public Accounts Committee report on Prison Estate Capacity says the justice system faces total gridlock in 2026

A criminal justice system which works for women
The Centre for Crime and Justice Studies and National Women’s Justice Coalition report on creating a criminal justice system which works for women.

Inside the prisons crisis
Institute for Government report lays bare the shockingly high levels of violence, protests and self-harm and severely limited work and education opportunities for prisoners.

Probation public protection ineffective in 65% cases
Updated Probation Inspectorate research shows public protection work ineffective in 65% cases.
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Russell has over 20 years’ experience as a researcher and consultant specialising in substance misuse and crime.
Prison, probation, police, substance misuse, commissioning & payment by results.
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Can prison service get back to providing a positive regime?
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